4 Tips for Mastering the Art of LinkedIn Networking (Hint: Build REAL-ationships)

How large should my network be? Should I even care? In today’s super-connected social era, where we connect, tweet, Like, share, post, and follow each other everywhere – we sometimes forget that real business success still depends on real human, solid, offline, high touch relationships. High-trust based relationships still really matter. People will always choose…

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UPW Event Notes: “The Ultimate Success Formula” by High-Performance Coach Tony Robbins

Last October I turned 30. To celebrate 3 decades of living and to start the 4th one powerfully, I gave myself a birthday gift and decided to attend the “Unleash the Power Within”  Live Seminar in Orlando, FL, with Tony Robbins – the Coach of all Coaches. I can’t begin to describe the experience and…

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Your Power to Help People: Words of Encouragement

Our greatest God given gift is our ability to speak and communicate an idea or a principle to another. With that in mind, your biggest generosity can be nothing else but giving words of encouragement – what you say to people can have a profound and lasting impact on their lives. When I think about…

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Your “Invisible” Golden Keys to The Doors of Opportunity

There’s a reason why humans live in communities. Our networks of family and friends hold so many opportunities and support many important missions that require a team or a community of supporters. It’s by design of God and how it’s supposed to work in a well functioning and prosperous society. People must help each other…

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4 Tips on How to Ride the Waves of Life

One of my favorite things to do on a hot summer day is go to the beach to swim, and ride some big waves (body surfing). Riding waves isn’t just fun and exciting, the activity can teach you some powerful lessons about the waves of life: 1. Choose your waves wisely: wait for the right…

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Guest Post – 3 Strategies for Exercising: Make it Yours, Make it Fun, Make it Happen!

Guest Post by my awesome friend and Fitness Trainer Michael Berezin from the Jerusalem Fitness Center So say you hate exercising. I mean really hate it. To the point where the very idea of being active is at best a chore and at worst torture.  How are you going to lose weight and build muscle?…

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About the Post (found on LinkedIn): “Building Your Network: 3 Things to Do Everyday” As It Applies to LinkedIn

I recently came across this blog post on LinkedIn called Building Your Network: 3 Things to Do Everyday by Mika Salmi, CEO of cretiveLIVE talking about Michael Port and his new book Book Yourself Solid. I couldn’t agree more with the 3 things to do every day, and I do them as much and as often…

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The 2 Most Important Parts of Your LinkedIn Profile and How to Get it Right

When it comes to your LinkedIn profile, there are 2 areas that matter most: Your photo and your profile headline. Your photo and headline are attached to your name with everything you do on LinkedIn. This is what people look at to evaluate whether or not they will click your name to read more… YOUR…

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Why Hashtags (#) Are Taking Over the World Wide Web

If you haven’t noticed, we’re now in the era of the Hashtag(#)! Everyone is now Hashtagging their posts. Hashtaging is no longer for Twitter only, it’s an amazing way to categorize and identify conversations and brands everywhere online. The entire world wide web is run on a simple concept – key words. Your name is…

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10 Signs You’re Doing Things Right on LinkedIn

How do you know if you’re LinkedIn efforts are paying off? How do you know if you’re on track to “win with LinkedIn”? Here are 10 ways: 1.       New people are looking at your profile regularly. If people are interested in what you’re doing, they are finding you, and are curious enough to click on…

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