Why 2014 Will be Your Best Year Ever!

When I was a child, my father would begin each new week with the announcement: “This week will be the best week ever!” And I’ve been having my ‘best weeks ever’ ever since. I took on that custom in my house. My little 3 year old – Eitan (Ethan), even sings it while playing with…

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4 Reasons Why You Should Accept an Invitation to Connect From a Complete Stranger on LinkedIn

I had a conversation recently with a businessman who I met through LinkedIn. He did the right thing by taking the relationship offline, and invited me to have a call to see how we can help each other move forward with our businesses. The goal of LinkedIn isn’t just to connect to people and move…

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“Who the *&@%# Are You?” 5 Questions that Build Trust and Credibility in Business

“Who the heck are you? What do you want, and how did you find me from China – the other side of the world?” Have you ever had that thought? Perhaps when someone without a picture and very little information invites you to connect on LinkedIn? I authentically am very curious to know what key…

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5 Must Watch Success TED Talks

Understand Success:     Know Your Why:   Understand Your Psychology:     Step up!

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How to Drive the RIGHT Traffic to Your Website (for FREE) Using Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn can be viewed as a game – and like any game, there are rules. Life too is a game, and gravity is a law of it. There’s nothing you can do to change it. Knowing the rules can help you make smart choices and allows you to maximize your ability to win any game.…

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10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 20

When I meet an experienced and successful individual, especially one that is older than I am, I always respect their accomplishments and open myself to learn lessons from their journey of life. One of my favorite quotes is: If you were to hang out with me, here are a few things I would share with…

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6 Simple Ways To Build Wealth: Advice from Multi-Millionaires

Photo: YNAB App. Money alone won’t make you happy, but it sure does allow you to do the things that do. In other words, it’s an important means to an end. If you have money concerns, you won’t be able to free yourself to focus on doing what matters to you most – work that…

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4 Life Success Principles from Software Localization

Since a large portion of my day as a software localization expert is dedicated to helping global software companies localize their products for global expansion, I’ve noticed at least 4 localization principles that can also apply to each one of us in our own lives – regardless of profession, industry, or occupation. Localization is the…

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Strategies for Using LinkedIn Groups Effectively

LinkedIn Groups is one of the best tools for growing your business and your professional advancement. It’s also one of the most used features for effective relationship building. But from what I understand from speaking to people, it’s also one of the most underutilized feature for many. Just joining groups isn’t enough of a strategy,…

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Mini-Course: How to be a High-Performer in Anything! (with Tony Robbins)

Being successful doesn’t require you to re-invent the wheel. The easiest way to success in life is by modeling other people who are very successful at what they do – it’s what Tony Robbins did, and that is how he became the most well known High-Performance Coach for over 30 years, a multimillionaire (with over…

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