Strategies for Using LinkedIn Groups Effectively

LinkedIn Groups is one of the best tools for growing your business and your professional advancement. It’s also one of the most used features for effective relationship building. But from what I understand from speaking to people, it’s also one of the most underutilized feature for many. Just joining groups isn’t enough of a strategy,…

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“Design Your Life”: How Will Transform Your Lifestyle

In my profession as a Software Localization Consultant, I come across many different interesting companies. My favorite ones, are usually technology and lifestyle companies who are up to something so awesome, you simply can’t hold back from buying their products, using their services, and cheer for their success. The list is long and different for…

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About the Post (found on LinkedIn): “Building Your Network: 3 Things to Do Everyday” As It Applies to LinkedIn

I recently came across this blog post on LinkedIn called Building Your Network: 3 Things to Do Everyday by Mika Salmi, CEO of cretiveLIVE talking about Michael Port and his new book Book Yourself Solid. I couldn’t agree more with the 3 things to do every day, and I do them as much and as often…

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Why Hashtags (#) Are Taking Over the World Wide Web

If you haven’t noticed, we’re now in the era of the Hashtag(#)! Everyone is now Hashtagging their posts. Hashtaging is no longer for Twitter only, it’s an amazing way to categorize and identify conversations and brands everywhere online. The entire world wide web is run on a simple concept – key words. Your name is…

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10 Signs You’re Doing Things Right on LinkedIn

How do you know if you’re LinkedIn efforts are paying off? How do you know if you’re on track to “win with LinkedIn”? Here are 10 ways: 1.       New people are looking at your profile regularly. If people are interested in what you’re doing, they are finding you, and are curious enough to click on…

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Why Am I So EXCITED About Coaching People About LinkedIn??

Recently I’ve decided to train and coach sales professionals, entrepreneurs, founders, business owners, leaders of organizations, job seekers, and many others, on how to use LinkedIn strategically to advance their mission  in life. Here’s why: 1. Business, innovation, and ideas happen when people connect and talk, conversations in a professional context help us all advance…

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Why Designing an Online Personal Brand REALLY Matters

It’s time to think like a company. If you were a company, what does your personal brand say in the eyes of the world? Specifically, from 0-10, how does your professional LinkedIn profile reflect the Professional you offline? Have you given any thought to how you’re being perceived online? What do you say to the…

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A Simple “Tried and Tested” Strategy for Engaging with People on LinkedIn

After using Linkedin for 5 years to generate most of my business, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that if you’re not active on LinkedIn on a daily basis, you’re missing real opportunities for new business. LinkedIn is where over 200 million users are looking to collaborate, purchase, sell, partner, exchange knowledge…

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8 Social Sales Activities You Should Include in Your Daily Schedule

I was listening yesterday to Mark Fidelman, author of the new book: “Socialize”, about the new playbook of today’s social sales environment. His main point is that the old sales playbook is dead. We must adjust our sales strategies to the current social reality. And from my experience in doing this each day – he’s…

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Welcome to My Blog!

The Sales Life Style is about learning about high performance sales, and living a high quality lifestyle. It’s about improving yourself and your numbers, so you can live a fun, fulfilled, and rewarding life! In this blog I will write about the life of a sales professional in today’s internet and technology driven, social based…

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