7 Ways to Powerfully Lose a Sale Like a Champion!

I got a rejection email the other day stating that I lost a $50,000 deal to the competition. As you can imagine, it hurt badly! Especially because it was still a little early in the process and I didn’t feel that I got a fair chance to prove my competitive value. It’s amazing to me…

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Sales Isn’t a Job, It’s a Lifestyle!

When I was in college, I had no idea what I wanted to do as a career. I was actually jealous of those people who knew what they loved and what they wanted to do for a living. The uncertainty was very uncomfortable. Especially, when many students treat their choice of study like the only,…

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Welcome to My Blog!

The Sales Life Style is about learning about high performance sales, and living a high quality lifestyle. It’s about improving yourself and your numbers, so you can live a fun, fulfilled, and rewarding life! In this blog I will write about the life of a sales professional in today’s internet and technology driven, social based…

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