Why 2014 Will be Your Best Year Ever!

When I was a child, my father would begin each new week with the announcement: “This week will be the best week ever!” And I’ve been having my ‘best weeks ever’ ever since. I took on that custom in my house. My little 3 year old – Eitan (Ethan), even sings it while playing with…

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“Who the *&@%# Are You?” 5 Questions that Build Trust and Credibility in Business

“Who the heck are you? What do you want, and how did you find me from China – the other side of the world?” Have you ever had that thought? Perhaps when someone without a picture and very little information invites you to connect on LinkedIn? I authentically am very curious to know what key…

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Why Am I So EXCITED About Coaching People About LinkedIn??

Recently I’ve decided to train and coach sales professionals, entrepreneurs, founders, business owners, leaders of organizations, job seekers, and many others, on how to use LinkedIn strategically to advance their mission  in life. Here’s why: 1. Business, innovation, and ideas happen when people connect and talk, conversations in a professional context help us all advance…

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Why Designing an Online Personal Brand REALLY Matters

It’s time to think like a company. If you were a company, what does your personal brand say in the eyes of the world? Specifically, from 0-10, how does your professional LinkedIn profile reflect the Professional you offline? Have you given any thought to how you’re being perceived online? What do you say to the…

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5 Relationship Lessons From 5 Years of Marriage.

   Happy Anniversary! My wife Ruthie, and I, are celebrating 5 incredible married years on February 7th, 2013! I’m truly blessed to be married to my best friend. And although 5 years is not a very long time, it’s not just about the number of years of this journey, but about how far we’ve come…

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The Little Tips That Make All The Difference

Many of us act like my 2 year old son in this video. I know I have… Many people do this: We chase big goals, dreams and aspirations, often running in circles and not getting anywhere – not realizing that we may be closer than we think if we just stop, re-evaluate, look at what’s…

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A Simple “Tried and Tested” Strategy for Engaging with People on LinkedIn

After using Linkedin for 5 years to generate most of my business, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that if you’re not active on LinkedIn on a daily basis, you’re missing real opportunities for new business. LinkedIn is where over 200 million users are looking to collaborate, purchase, sell, partner, exchange knowledge…

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How to Launch a Powerful 2013!

I don’t need January 1st to come around in order to re-evaluate my goals and recommit to them – I can do it any day, and I often do, but it’s a good excuse. I’ve heard before that “how you start is how you finish!”, but too often people get nervous to “shake things up”…

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Success Lessons From My Two Year Old Son.

Being a dad is a blast. Aside for having an excuse to play with little toy cars again; I’m constantly amazed how quickly a little cell develops into an independent, creative human being – with opinions, desires and attitudes. Plus, my son (Eitan) teaches me a lot about myself and about life.  Here are some…

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8 Social Sales Activities You Should Include in Your Daily Schedule

I was listening yesterday to Mark Fidelman, author of the new book: “Socialize”, about the new playbook of today’s social sales environment. His main point is that the old sales playbook is dead. We must adjust our sales strategies to the current social reality. And from my experience in doing this each day – he’s…

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